Empowering Her - Top 5 Ways to Support Female Athletes in Grassroots Clubs

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 Empowering women in sports

Table Of Contents

Equal Resources and Facilities
Diverse Coaching Staff
Encouraging Participation
Regular Feedback and Communication
Smart Uniform Choices

With more eyes on women's sport than ever before, through the success of the Australian Diamonds and the Matilda's at their respective world cups this month, there is no better time than now to push youth female sports programs. 

We know that by supporting the needs of female athletes and promoting inclusion and diversity, you will create an empowering sporting environment that helps women excel and thrive. 

Here at Cheeta Teamwear, we have compiled the top 5 ways that you can support your female athletes at the grassroots community club level.

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1. Equal Resources And Facilities

Do you want to create a poor experience for your female players and staff? I'm sure you don't. But one of the biggest keys to ensuring female players feel welcome in your club is to create equal facilities and resources for success.

Access to facilities such as quality training grounds, change rooms that can be used by male or female teams, gender-neutral bathrooms, and sanitary bins in bathrooms are a few ways you can check if your facilities are female-friendly.

The other key component for this area is access to the same quality equipment and coaching as their male counterparts. It may seem simple but don't force the girls to use the boy's hand-me-down equipment. This may have been the case in the past, but it needs to change.

 Young female athletes

2. Diverse Coaching Staff

Seeing strong female role models within the club inspires young athletes to aim high and persevere. Striving for a diverse coaching staff and seeking to have female coaches across the club can help to break down gender biases and highlight that women can work in sport if that's what they want to do. 

A reliable, relatable, and knowledgeable coach who understands the unique challenges and needs of female athletes is crucial to fostering a positive player-athlete relationship.

3. Encouraging Participation

We are in a fantastic era for female sports participation growth here in Australia. If you want to grow your club, you must target the recruitment of female and gender-diverse players.

With the recent success of many female athletes and teams in Australia, female sports participation is expected to boom right across the country. If you're not outreaching and providing opportunities for girls to join the sports club, then you may fall behind as a club. 

Workshops, camps, bring a friend day, and introductory sessions are all great ways to get girls involved in sports. However, in our experience, nothing beats word of mouth. People trust the opinions of those around them, so encourage your current female participants to recommend their friends and perhaps put a prize in place for the most referrals in a season!

A reliable, relatable, and knowledgeable coach who understands the unique challenges and needs of female athletes is crucial to fostering a positive player-athlete relationship.

female participation in sports

4. Regular Feedback and Communication

When implementing or improving any program, you need feedback from the key stakeholders. Keep an open line of communication with your female players, parents, and coaches.

The key here, however, is ensuring females feel comfortable raising their feedback, which will be valued and actioned as appropriate. If you aren't truly listening to what your members want to change or implement, the communication and trust are broken, with players dropping out or becoming disengaged with the club.

5. Smart Uniform Choices

A smart uniform choice for females in sports is another crucial consideration for clubs implementing female teams. In this day and age, unisex uniform cuts just don't cut it. It's not hard to create a ladies' fit – this is something we offer on almost all products here at Cheeta Teamwear! 

We understand that uniforms need to fit differently on girls and women so that they can feel most confident and comfortable while playing the sport they love. 

Another key consideration in uniforms is the colour of garments, particularly shorts/pants. Ensure you use dark-coloured bottoms so your players are as comfortable as possible.

A few simple changes in your uniform design can significantly change the experience that your female members have with the club and could be the difference between retaining and losing players.

Female sports uniforms

6. Conclusion

Supporting female athletes in their participation in grassroots and professional sports has never been more critical. Clubs must consider how they manage and treat their female athletes and the experiences that they are having. 

By ensuring equal resources and facilities, striving for a diverse coaching and mentor staff, encouraging participation, allowing regular feedback and communication, and making smart uniform choices – you will be on the best path to empowering your female athletes for success. 

Reach out to us at Cheeta Teamwear if you would like any further information, assistance, and support in empowering your female athletes – we would love to help! 


Tayla Huckel

Tayla has over 15 years’ experience in sport as a gymnast, coach and judge, alongside a degree in Sport and Exercise Science. By working in the major events industry within customer service and stadium operation departments, she understands what it takes to co-ordinate and run a successful sporting or business event.
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“Occaecat esse quis exercitation sint dolore esse Lorem qui consectetur et esse ut aliqua. Commodo ex amet deserunt officia adipisicing aliqua anim qui cillum anim mollit et. Qui amet proident ut sint aliqua Lorem cupidatat et laborum. Fugiat reprehenderit fugiat fugiat pariatur consectetur qui occaecat do incididunt culpa.”

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“Occaecat esse quis exercitation sint dolore esse Lorem qui consectetur et esse ut aliqua. Commodo ex amet deserunt officia adipisicing aliqua anim qui cillum anim mollit et. Qui amet proident ut sint aliqua Lorem cupidatat et laborum. Fugiat reprehenderit fugiat fugiat pariatur consectetur qui occaecat do incididunt culpa.”

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